List of error messages
List of error codes
Error codes | Description |
ErrorType_Ok | Success |
ErrorType_Unexpected | Exception raised |
ErrorType_AlreadyConnected | Already connected |
ErrorType_TCPConnectFailure | TCP connection failure |
ErrorType_InvalidSessionKey | Invalid key |
ErrorType_EncryptFail | Encoding failure |
ErrorType_DecryptFail | Hackers sent corrupted data or failed to decode it |
ErrorType_ConnectServerTimeout | Server connection timeout |
ErrorType_ProtocolVersionMismatch | Different protocol versions for connecting to the server |
ErrorType_InvalidLicense | Invalid licenses |
ErrorType_NotifyServerDeniedConnection | Server intentionally refuses connection |
ErrorType_Reserved01 | Successful server connection |
ErrorType_DisconnectFromRemote | Communication host disconnected |
ErrorType_DisconnectFromLocal | Host disconnected |
ErrorType_Reserved02 | There are factors that can lead to dangerous situations |
ErrorType_UnknownAddrPort | Unknown Internet address |
ErrorType_Reserved03 | Insufficient server preparation |
ErrorType_ServerPortListenFailure | Unable to start receiving server socket. Make sure that the TCP or UDP socket is already a port in use. |
ErrorType_AlreadyExists | Objects that already exist |
ErrorType_PermissionDenied | Inaccessible |
ErrorType_BadSessionGuid | Invalid Session Guid |
ErrorType_InvalidCredential | Invalid credentials |
ErrorType_InvalidHeroName | Invalid Hero Name |
ErrorType_Reserved06 | Problems after unlocked loading is locked |
ErrorType_Reserved07 | The output parameter, adjustedGamerIDNotFilled, is empty. |
ErrorType_Reserved08 | The player character does not exist. |
ErrorType_UnitTestFailed | Unit test failure |
ErrorType_P2PUdpFailed | P2P UDP communication is blocked. |
ErrorType_ReliableUdpFailed | Reliable Udp failure |
ErrorType_ServerUdpFailed | Client-server UDP communication is blocked. |
ErrorType_NoP2PGroupRelation | There are no more P2P groups to belong to together. |
ErrorType_ExceptionFromUserFunction | A user-defined function (RMI receiving routine or event handler) throws an exception |
ErrorType_UserRequested | Errors due to user requests |
ErrorType_InvalidPacketFormat | Invalid packet type. The communication host has been hacked or there is a bug. |
ErrorType_TooLargeMessageDetected | Message size is large. |
ErrorType_Reserved09 | Untrusted messages cannot be encrypted. |
ErrorType_ValueNotExist | Non-existent values |
ErrorType_TimeOut | Timeout |
ErrorType_LoadedDataNotFound | The loaded data was not found. |
ErrorType_SendQueueIsHeavy | The transfer queue is too large. |
ErrorType_TooSlowHeartbeatWarning | HeartBeat is slower than average. |
ErrorType_CompressFail | Message Compression Failure |
ErrorType_LocalSocketCreationFailed | The client socket could not be received or UDP could not be prepared. Need to check if there is a limit to the number of sockets per process and if TCP or UDP sockets are in use |
Error_NoneAvailableInPortPool | Failed to bind to a local port in the Port Pool. Make sure the Port Pool value is sufficient. |
ErrorType_InvalidPortPool | Invalid port range. Set the ports to 0 (random port binding) or check for duplicates. |
ErrorType_InvalidHostID | Invalid HostID |
ErrorType_MessageOverload | Messages accumulate faster than they can be processed. Check whether you are sending too many messages or whether your message processing routines are running too slowly. |
ErrorType_DatabaseAccessFailed | DB access failed. You can see more details in the comment variable. |
ErrorType_OutOfMemory | Low memory |
ErrorType_AutoConnectionRecoveryFailed | The connection to the server was lost and the connection recovery feature was activated but failed. |
Comment message list
Message | Error codes | Description |
%d bytes in send queue | ErrorType_SendQueueIsHeavy | When the transmission queue is full of too many messages, it notifies the full capacity. OnWarning occurs |
(AddrPort) is not an IPv4 address | ErrorType_UnknownAddrPort | Address acquisition fails when converting to IPv4 addresses |
Bad format in NotifyServerConnectSuccess | ErrorType_InvalidPacketFormat | Failed to connect to the server after sending a connection request from the client to the server |
Before OnJoinServerComplete with fail, we got DNS lookup failure. Error=d | ErrorType_Unexpected | DNS lookup fails while connecting from client to server |
blocked method but no active event | ErrorType_Unexpected | OnWarning Raised When DBCache2 Server Responds to DBCache2 Client |
BlockedAddData failed! Call is bug in UserWorkerThread | ErrorType_Unexpected | Call fails on DBCache2 client |
BlockedAddData failed! NodeData that confronts OwnerUUID cannot be found. | ErrorType_BadSessionGuid | AddData Failed on DBCache2 Client |
BlockedAddData failed! NodeData that confronts RootUUID cannot be found. | ErrorType_BadSessionGuid | AddData Failed on DBCache2 Client |
BlockedRecursiveUpdateData failed! Call is bug in UserWorkerThread! | ErrorType_Unexpected | RemoveData Failed on DBCache2 Client |
BlockedRecursiveUpdateData failed! NodeData that confronts RootUUID cannot be found. | ErrorType_BadSessionGuid | RecursiveUpdateData fails on DBCache2 client |
BlockedRemoveData failed! Call is bug in UserWorkerThread! | ErrorType_Unexpected | RemoveData Failed on DBCache2 Client |
BlockedRemoveData failed! NodeData that confronts RootUUID cannot be found. | ErrorType_BadSessionGuid | RemoveData Failed on DBCache2 Client |
BlockedRemoveData failed! NodeData that confronts UUID cannot be found. | ErrorType_BadSessionGuid | RemoveData Failed on DBCache2 Client |
BlockUpdateData failed! Call is bug in UserWorkerThread! | ErrorType_Unexpected | UpdateData Failed on DBCache2 Client |
BlockUpdateData failed! NodeData that confronts RootUUID cannot be found. | ErrorType_BadSessionGuid | UpdateData Failed on DBCache2 Client |
BlockUpdateData failed! NodeData that confronts UUID cannot be found. | ErrorType_BadSessionGuid | UpdateData Failed on DBCache2 Client |
Cannot bind TCP socket to a local address! | ErrorType_TCPConnectFailure | When the client fails to create a socket to connect to the server, the connection fails and OnError occurs. |
Cannot send messages unless connection to server exists! | ErrorType_PermissionDenied | When sending a message while disconnected from the server, message transmission fails and OnError occurs. |
Certification Failed to DB Cache | ErrorType_InvalidSessionKey | Client connection fails when responding to a client on the DBCache2 server |
checksum failure. | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Failed to decrypt ByteArray or message |
Connected to server successfully, but we cannot get DNS lookup. ErrorCode:d | ErrorType_Unexpected | OnError occurs when the client connects to the server. |
CStartServerParameter.m_enableP2PEncryptedMessaging=false. P2P Messaging can not encrypted | ErrorType_EncryptFail | OnError occurs when sending a message |
Current loaded data owner as DB cache client denied the handover. | ErrorType_PermissionDenied | DBcache client fails to load data after making a request to the server |
Data (root=s) is already isolated. | ErrorType_PermissionDenied | Adding to the list of failures when loading data from the DB cache server |
decryptCount1 read failed | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Decryption fails when receiving an encrypted message |
decryption failure 1 | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Discarding messages when they are out of order after receiving encrypted messages |
Decryption result is larger! Memory corruption may occur | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Decryption fails when the decrypted block is larger than the encrypted block |
DenyUnloadData is called for not-loaded data. | ErrorType_LoadedDataNotFound | OnWarning occurs when DBCache2 client requests data unload from server |
DNS lookup failure. error code=(Error Code) | ErrorType_TCPConnectFailure | Failed to look up server IP from client |
Error | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Decryption fails using RSA algorithm |
Error : NotifyAddDataSuccess: InsertChild failed. | ErrorType_Unexpected | OnWarning occurs on DBCache2 server |
Error : NotifyAddDataSuccess: OwnerNode not found. | ErrorType_Unexpected | OnWarning occurs on DBCache2 server |
Error : UnilateralMoveData MovePropNode Fail | ErrorType_ValueNotExist | OnWarning occurs in DBCache2 client |
Error : UnilateralMoveData RemoveNode Fail | ErrorType_Unexpected | OnWarning occurs in DBCache2 client |
Error : UnilateralRemoveData failed to remove node. | ErrorType_Unexpected | OnWarning occurs in DBCache2 client |
Failed to create credential. | ErrorType_EncryptFail | Client fails to communicate on first contact with server |
Failed to create SessionKey. | ErrorType_EncryptFail | Client fails to communicate on first contact with server |
FATAL: new UDP socket - Cannot create UDP socket! Cannot get TCP NIC address (AddrPort). | ErrorType_LocalSocketCreationFailed | Failed to create a UDP socket to the server when creating a UDP socket on the client |
I/O length=d, error code=d | ErrorType_DisconnectFromRemote | Terminating a connection during socket cleanup |
Incorrect Packet | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Failed decryption by checking for decryption attempts and packet tampering using the RSA algorithm |
input is NULL. | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Decryption failed because no encrypted message was entered |
input is NULL. | ErrorType_EncryptFail | Encryption fails when there is nothing to encrypt |
input length is invalid. | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Decryption failed because the length of the encrypted message was too short |
insufficient output buffer. | ErrorType_EncryptFail | Encryption failed because the space to write the encrypted message is smaller than the size of the original message |
invalid input length. | ErrorType_EncryptFail | Encryption failed because the original message block size is less than zero |
Invalid Root Table Name. | ErrorType_UserRequested | Add to fail list on DBCache2 server |
is isolated. | ErrorType_UserRequested | Abandon loading data from the DBCache2 server |
key for fast encryption does not exist. | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Decryption fails because the key for decryption is missing |
key for fast encryption does not exist. | ErrorType_EncryptFail | Encryption fails because there is no key for encryption |
Loading data failure. s | ErrorType_Unexpected | DBCache2 server failed to load data from DB, add to fail list |
Make sure that enableP2PEncryptedMessaging is true. | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Decryption fails because there is no key for decryption |
MessageType:d at location NC.PNL | ErrorType_InvalidPacketFormat | OnError is raised after receiving a message from the client |
NLM1 | ErrorType_InvalidLicense | Unable to connect to server and client due to license issues |
Non-exclusive data access is denied. | ErrorType_PermissionDenied | Failed to load data on a DBCache2 server that did not allow non-exclusive access to data |
NPDC | ErrorType_NotifyServerDeniedConnection | When connecting from the client to the server, the connection fails and an OnWarning occurs. |
NPVM1 | ErrorType_ProtocolVersionMismatch | Connection fails if the client uses a different version than the server when connecting to the server |
output is NULL. | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Decryption failed with NULL space to write the decrypted message |
output is NULL. | ErrorType_EncryptFail | Encryption fails because there is no space to store the encrypted output |
output length is invalid. | ErrorType_DecryptFail | Decryption failed because the space to write the decrypted message is smaller than the size of the encrypted message |
Packet compression failed! Error code=d | ErrorType_CompressFail | Message compression fails when sending message, OnError occurs |
Please Check Encrypt Error CStartServerParameter | ErrorType_EncryptFail | Encryption fails when sending data from the client |
Received datagram from UDP became inconsistent | ErrorType_InvalidPacketFormat, ErrorType_TooLargeMessageDetected | OnWarning occurs when receiving UDP message |
Received stream from TCP server became inconsistent | ErrorType_InvalidPacketFormat, ErrorType_TooLargeMessageDetected | Terminate the connection when a TCP message is received |
Remote detected no receive. | ErrorType_ConnectServerTimeout | Connection fails when a client requests a connection to the server |
RMI (name=s) | ErrorType_NotImplementedRmi | RMI Call Failure |
RootUUID is not valid | ErrorType_UserRequested | Failed to load data from the DBCache2 server |
RootUUID not found. | ErrorType_LoadedDataNotFound | OnException occurs when data load fails from DBCache2 server |
RootUUID not found. s | ErrorType_LoadedDataNotFound | OnException occurs when data load fails from DBCache2 server |
sendQueue dBytes | ErrorType_SendQueueIsHeavy | OnWarning occurs when the transmission queue is filled with too many messages |
Server UDP holepunch OK, but we cannot do DNS look up. Error code = d | ErrorType_Unexpected | OnError occurs when hole-punching from the client to the server |
Socket accept fail. socket error=(SocketErrorCode) | ErrorType_LocalSocketCreationFailed | Socket creation failed, error code is based on WSAGetLastError() |
Stream Extract Error at Reliable UDP | ErrorType_InvalidPacketFormat, ErrorType_TooLargeMessageDetected | OnError occurs when sending and receiving reliable UDP from the client |
TCP graceful disconnect, NetClient.Disconnect() or NetServer.CloseConnection() has been called. | ErrorType_DisconnectFromLocal | Failed to receive a message while processing connection termination (after calling Disconnect, CloseConnection) |
TCP graceful disconnect. | ErrorType_DisconnectFromRemote | Terminating a connection during socket cleanup |
The data does not exist. | ErrorType_LoadedDataNotFound | DBCache2 client fails to load data |
time out | ErrorType_TimeOut | AddData Failed on DBCache2 Client |
Too long elapsed time in NetClient heartbeat thread (%3.31f sec) | ErrorType_TooSlowHeartbeatWarning | When the client connects to the server, the connection fails and OnError occurs |
Trial count:d, Arbitrary port number used: d | Error_NoneAvailableInPortPool | If the port set during UDP hole punching is unavailable, random UDP port binding occurs and OnWarning occurs |
UDP socket for peer connection | ErrorType_LocalSocketCreationFailed | When creating a UDP socket on the client, UDP socket creation for p2p fails, OnWarning occurs |
UDP socket for server connection | ErrorType_LocalSocketCreationFailed | When creating a UDP socket on the client, the creation of a UDP socket towards the server fails and OnWarning occurs |
Unexpected: TCP-connected socket has no local address | ErrorType_UnknownAddrPort | OnError occurs when the client receives its local address abnormally after connecting to the server |
We stopped socket I/O already. | ErrorType_DisconnectFromLocal | Connection terminated during socket cleanup |
ExclusiveLoadNewData cannot be used when loading data that already exists. | ErrorType_AlreadyExists | Load failure when loading data from DBCacheServer |
Last updated