
Download the ProudChat Unity SDK from the link below.

Project settings

Add Unity PackageFile

ProudChatUnityPackage downloaded via git Add the Package via Assets -> Import Package -> custom Package at the top of the Unity Editor.

Setting up plugins

Please see Plugin settings.


The ProudChatComponent makes it easy for users to get each of the features they need for chat.

Be sure to register and use only one Component.

- ProudChat_Init

This is the part that initializes the ChatClient. The user must call the Init function to connect to the server before using it.

Function NameParametersDescription


The user's UUID from the Proud Console, the UUID of the project the user created, and the user's own UniqueID.

You write this part as a function to connect the ChatClient with the server. We're getting 3 strings as parameters, but internally we're calling the ChatClientInitComplete, ChatClientJoinFailed functions so we can see if the login was successful or unsuccessful.

- Disconnect

Function NameParametersDescription



Use when you want to disconnect with the chat server.

- Function

Function NameParametersDescription



Use when you check the status of server connection.


Unique key for the channel you want to access

Use when you want to access a specific channel.


Unique key for the channel you want to leave

Use this when you want to leave the channel you're in.


A unique identification value for a specific recipient, a message to send to the specific party

Use to send a message to a specific person.


A unique identification value for a specific channel, a message to send to the specific channel

Use to send a message to a specific channel.


src = The country code of current language

target = The country code of the targeting language

msgKey = A unique key of message to translate

msg = A message to translate

(Beta) Use when you want to translate the message


target = The country code of the targeting language

msgKey = A unique key of message to translate

msg = A message to translate

(Beta) Request the translation of the message after automatically detecting the language.


channelKey = A unique key of the channel day = The days (max 90) cnt = The counts (max 100)

(Beta) Request the chat data from the Channel. Retrieve up to 100 messages within the last 90 days.


target = A unique key of the target user day = The days (max 90) cnt = The counts (max 100)

(Beta) Request the data from the Direct messages. Retrieve up to 100 messages within the last 90 days.


day = The days (max 90) cnt = The counts (max 100)

(Beta) Request the data from the Notice. Retrieve up to 100 messages within the last 90 days.

- Event Variables

Event function nameDescription


Event fired when ChatClient completes Init.


Event fired when ChatClient Init Failed occurs.


Event fired when the chat server disconnected.


It handles events if the DirectMsg arrives between users.


It handles events that occur if a ChannelMsg arrives.


It will be called when you send Notice from Proud Console.


It will be called if Channel Join Success occurs.


It will be called if Channel Join Failed occurs.


It will be called if Channel Leave Success occurs.


It will be called if Channel Leave Failed occurs.


(Beta) It will be called if the message is successfully translated.


(Beta) It will be called if the message translation fails.


(Beta) It will be called if the data history is successfully retrieved.


(Beta) It will be called if the data history retrieval fails.


- Android

- iOS

For more information, see Building iOS.

Last updated